The Book Launch Party!

A huge thanks goes out to the White Oak Library -- especially Cindy and Natalie -- for hosting this wonderful event.  They really went above and beyond for FLUTTER!  It was so fun!  The library provided cupcakes, but not just cupcakes.  They had tiny little FLUTTER bookcovers on them!  Behold:






 And they had these gorgeous posters of the FLUTTER cover!  (That's me being way too excitable.  But can you blame me?)


And then I signed books!  So many of them!  We had over 100 people there, and I was just so overwhelmed with gratitude.  Thank you to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule and helping us celebrate! Here is a cute pic with one of my nieces.  (Thanks, Kylee!)


And then a friend of mine from long ago sent me a picture of her daughter last night, reading FLUTTER.  She finished it in one sitting and reported that she *loved* it.  Is there any better endorsement?  Thank you, Samantha!  


So, again, a humbled, grateful author just wants to say thank you one more time.  To all of you readers!  You are so dear to my heart.